Category My MS

In 2012 MS (Multiple Sclerosis) paralyzed my left arm and left leg. Because of good medical care the damage was limited, and with medication the progression of the condition was slowed down. At the moment, the disease has more or less come to a standstill, but the damage done is irreversible. My left arm and left leg are not as they were before. Under this heading, I write about my personal experience with life with a disability due to MS.

The abyss

My yearly MS check-up a year ago, was a short one, my doctor asked me about MS-related complaints, and I couldn’t think of any. The situation has been the same for years now, so I don’t have to come back unless new symptoms should occur.
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Count your blessings

I come stumbling back from the bakery with a lot of bread in my bags. I see myself walking in my mind, moving irregularly, dragging along my left side. That’s rotten, yes, but there are people doing worse than me,…

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