Category Books

Here you can find my book reviews.

Cold enough for snow – Jessica Au

The sentence: “It was strange at once to be so familiar yet so separated.” sums up this novel venry well. A novel about family, art and language. A meditative novel without much of a story. The narrator alternates thoughts about the nature of life with memories, sparse conversations with her mother and phonecalls with her sister.
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A passage to India by E.M. Forster

This novel is one of my favourites, because of the splendid descriptions of nearly everything from the impressive landscape and natural surroundings, to the frequent social encounters of the many characters, which sometimes seem to lead to friendship but can also be awkward and then lead to awkward situations and to conflicts.
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Reading books

I love to read, and I would like to spend a part of this blog on books, or on the subject of reading. I don’t quite know yet in what form I‘m going to do it. I’m still thinking about it. I read books of different genres, both fiction and nonfiction.
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